Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


Advertising is one means of mass communication are made and created by advertisers in order to offer goods or services intended to the audience so that they are interested in using it. Femina magazine advertising beauty products (IPKMF) has a female target object. By using persuasive language of advertising is expected to target ads that are interested and want to know the benefits of buying the advertised product. Narrative Femina magazine advertising beauty products assessed using stillistika approach. Stillistika used to assess the style of language in the ad, then accompanied by reasons for its use. With stillistika in this study are expected to what is meant in the speech advertisers ads can be clearly known by the reader. The issue presented in this paper is the style of language and reason for use of the language style in sentences Femine magazine advertising beauty products. The use of language style is intended to increase the effect of pulling on the advertised product method used in this study includes several stages. The data was collected, followed by the methods refer to techniques noted. Then the data were analyzed functionally with contextual methods. Data reviewed and analyzed using the theory and techniques stillistika paraphrase. Presentation of results of analysis performed using ordinary words. The presentation is supported with a narrative explanation captions are intended to facilitate understanding of narrative advertising. The results of this study indicate that the sentence Femina magazine advertising beauty products have a variety of language styles, among other things: simile, metaphor, sinekdoki, personification, hyperbole, redundancy, paradoxically, climax, asindeton, polisindeton, anadiplosis, anaphora, and katafora. The use of language style is intended to attract the attention of consumers. Variety of speech language Femina magazine advertising beauty products is a blend of two different languages ​​are diverse creative advertising and literary language that produces an attractive and beautiful ads to generate interest of potential customers.
Theory of Advertising
A. Definition of Advertising
Advertising is any form of communication that is intended to motivate a person's potential buyers and sellers to promote a product or service, to influence public opinion, to win public support in order to think or act in accordance with the wishes of the advertisers.
According to Paul Copley, "advertising is by and large seen as an art - the art of persuasion - and can be defined as any paid for communication designed to inform and / or persuade". Explained that advertising is an art of persuasion and can be defined as the design of communication to inform and financed or persuade.
Later, another definition of advertising according to the American Marketing Association (AMA), advertising is any form of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services to the public (non-personal) by the sponsor a clear, and therefore subject to payment.
From these definitions, there are four essential elements that distinguish the ad with another form of communication. All four elements are:
1. Ideas, goods and services
Advertising is strongly associated with the goods or services. Ads can also be a presentation of ideas such as public service announcements that raise environmental issues, health, corruption and other social issues.
2. The public / non-personal
Give the ad aired by the mass media, of prospective consumers or advertising  audience is non-personal or heterogeneous audience (do not know each other and differ in various characteristics).

3. Sponsor
Sponsors listed significantly different from the advertisements propaganda because what is contained in advertising messages can be accounted for by the sponsor.

4. Payment
Advertisements in the media, then the payment is charged to the sponsoring institution that advertise, but to this last point there are exceptions for public service ads.
From some of the above understanding, basically advertising is a means of communication used in this communicator company or the manufacturer to convey information about goods or services to the public, especially its customers through a mass medium. In addition, all advertisements are made with the same goal which is to inform and persuade consumers to try or follow what is in the ad, may be the activity of consuming products and services offered.

B. Destination Ad
Judging from his goal, ads can be grouped into 3 types of advertising, namely:
- Commercial advertising (advertising commercial),
- Corporate advertising or the advertising company (corporate advertising),
- Public service ads (public service advertising).

a. Commercial Advertising (Commercial Advertising).
Commercial advertising is advertising that aims to support the marketing or promoting a product or service resulting from corporate / industrial and personal.
There are two kinds of commercial advertising, namely:
- Strategic Advertising. This kind of advertising is used to build the brand (brand). This was done by communicating brand value and benefits of the product or service advertised. The main concern in the long run is to position the brand and build mind share and market share. This kind of ad inviting consumers to enjoy a relationship with the brand and ensure that the brand is there for the users
- Ads Tactical. Tactical ads are ads that have an urgent goal. This kind of advertising designed to encourage consumers to immediately make contact with a particular brand. In general, these ads provide short-term special offers spur consumers to respond on the same day.

b. Corporate Ad or Ad Company (corporate advertising).
Corporate advertising aims to build the image of a company which in turn is expected to also build a positive image of the products or services produced by these companies. Corporate advertising will be effective when supported by the fact that strong and relevant to society, has news value and are usually always associated with activities that are oriented to the interests of society. Corporate advertising is another form of commercial advertisements which are strategic ie when a company campaign to communicate corporate values ​​to the community.
Corporate advertising often talked about the heritage values ​​of the company, the company's commitment to quality control, trademarks or launch a new corporate logo or company communicates concern to the surrounding environment.

c. Public Service (Public Service Advertising).
Public Service is part of a social marketing campaign aimed at selling the idea or ideas for the benefit or community service. Public Service messages are usually in the form of solicitation, statement or appeal to the community to perform or not perform an act in the public interest or change behavior "not good" in order to get better, such as environmental hygiene problems, encourage respect for differences of opinion, family planning, and so on
(Compiled from various sources).

C. Terms of Advertisement
advertising requirements are as follows
1. Language Ads
a. Using the right word choice, attractive, polite, and logical
b. express or figure of speech that are used to lure and suggestive
c. Compiled briefly and highlight the parts that are necessitated

2. The contents of advertisements
a. objective and honest
b. brief and clear
c. not to offend a certain group or other producers
d. attracted the attention of many people.

source :  http://www.blogtopsites.com/outpost/b30271cb453deab6740ab768fc14188d



In terms of the appearance of the first impression is indeed unusual to see the modem just like on the modems made ​​by other Telkomsel is partly made ​​from plastic and labeled with the logo "TELKOMSEL FLASH". However, the SU-9500U modems are a bit unique, that is rotate and stamp hinge feature less. Less stamp features believed to be their own advantages because users do not have to worry about losing the USB cap as this modem does not provide them. Then rotate hinge feature that makes the modem can be rotated up to 270 degrees ..
The advantages of this modem are:
1.Network most widespread throughout Indonesia
2.Service sales in almost all regions
3.Discount is interesting and not inferior to any other modem
4.It’s very cheap
    Therefore no two modems telkomsel flash its

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