Selasa, 20 Desember 2011


1. Abstract (abstractness)
Although in some cases, ads can be realized in the form of banners, billboards or other advertising media that is physically tangible but basically it is the intangible nature of advertising or abstract. this is because the essence of advertising messages or news that is made ​​by a company which of course is the abstract nature of the message

2. Serving the public
Ads are general, common and uncommon because the purpose of advertising is to be consumed by the general public and are standard.

3. Ability pervasive
Good advertising is advertising that has the ability to permeate and interpreted in accordance with the wishes of advertisers.

4. Expression of the amplified
A good ad should have the ability to strengthen the expression of a product or service and even the image of the company being advertised by means of colors, shapes, animations, sound and selection of the right words

5. Not about a particular person
A good ad does not depict or addressed to a person's subjective, but rather a general

6.Public Presentation
Namely advertising allows each person to receive the same order of products in the commercials

The same advertising message can be repeated to establish the receipt of information

8.Amplified Expresiveness
Which is able to dramatize the company’s advertisements and products through images and sound to shake the audience

Which is forcing the audience to pay attention and respond to it because it is a helpful communication

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