Jumat, 04 April 2014


A.   Account
The draft annual accounts show sufficient revenue to allow necessary maintenance whilst retaining an appropriate reserve fund

B.   Asset
We will work to protect the assets of people who have tried to make reasonable provision for them

C.   Business to Consumer
A modern Business to Consumer approach places the customer at the center of the experience

D.    Debt
The reality is that they are condemned to a lifetime of poverty overshadowed by an inescapable burden of inescapable debt

E.    Employee
This course is for anyone who is interested in learning more about coaching and motivating employee
 F.    Fixed Cost
Many of them cannot raise tuition without reducing demand and thus their ability to spread their fixed cost

G.    Investment
Germany has often confounded her critics by continuing to attract foreign investment despite her high wage costs
H.     Join Cost
Any organization that can measure and report wastes can join cost as a partner

I.       Market Price
As employer make up for falling market price in increased contributions toward their pension schemes that by extension means less IR takings

J.        Product
           Many parking was polluted with traffic noise and exhaust fumes and littered with the packaging of consumer product

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