Selasa, 12 November 2013


The Life of Street Children

The singers and beggars children are not a new sight in Depok city. They are sad, and not a few who do not care. I investigated street children.

In the afternoon heat is Depok city intersection area. Seems the boy is busy singing, patting a hand on the side of public transport. It is unclear what the song lyric that comes out of the mouth of the child. After singing a few verse, the child's hand and the hand dilates immediately sign asking for money. With a weak face he said," Make feed and school, Mother, father, and sister. Ask for money, "he said.
Such sights, I met in big cities, especially Depok . No matter rain or shine, these kids keep me asking for money on the street. And I immediately, who they really are? Why do they have to do something like that?

Then I was curious about this, a week ago I was tracing the life of beggars and singers children around Depok. To get into this group, I had to approach with their families first. Actually, it is not easy to do it, because these children are completely covered with new people. Then I asked him where they live? And why they do things in the begging? They replied: If they do not have a home. They do this because they do not get a job for reasons not finish school. Then in order to meet and welcome, I must keep my identity as a student. And the first day the children get acquainted with this, I was surprised that most of them have a mobile phone or cell phone. And I immediately asked back, why they can have a cell phone? But they did not answer my question.

As already think a lot of people, the beggars and singers have forgotten their education. Actually there is an opportunity for the school, but the willingness of those who have disappeared. Though the chairman governmental organization would be willing to street children around Depok refer to this condition as the point of “safe parent “.
The parents are deliberately let their children begging and singing on the street. "What is left?” Because they also take advantage of this results. In this fact, there are not many parent and children who interested in this program. They are more fun on the street than have to sit and learn in the school. And some time later, they want to learn. But it turns out this is not the way to learn to make the children interested in learning. When I participated in the study, the majority of those are who many play. For example, when one of the teachers explained about the function neighborhood, a child suddenly shouted Pillars of Citizens no function because people are always fighting. “Then they laughed”. And then, when they were told to read Pancasila. A child directly quickly raised his hand and stood among the other children. "Pancasila! One: belief in one God. Two: Let singing together.
They are singing really do not know the discipline and the children are very difficult to set up.

From ten number of street children are around Depok, only half of which would come to learn. And they should be forced and should be given the money. Through this learning program, I can get acquainted with a man about 12 years old. At his age, he still three elementary school grades. Sometimes he was embarrassed by his friends because of his other greatest. This man wishes to learn does not come suddenly. This boy lived in a tenement around Depok with both parents and only a sister. Father and mother are hawkers around Depok. Goods sold diverse, ranging from cigarettes and beverages.

Average net income of both parents is only 15 rupiahs every day. That money should be used to pay rent row house for 150 rupiahs every month. The house was far from comfortable. The room that measures just about some meters was used for sleeping, cooking, and gathering place. The bathroom is the small size, but to close the bathroom door just laid down plywood. When to use the bathroom, plywood must be removed to shut the door. If the wind blows, plywood could fall. It is unclear, if one member of the family was defecating, scent will "fly" around the room.

Most of the income, both parents are the roadside selling out to payment contract. The remaining money they use to eat everyday. Certainly is not enough. That is the reason the mother told the child to earn money on the street. His parents never worried about his where a bout. That they know, if it does not return to the home means the child sleeping in the street. The child association is remarkable. At such a young age he was often going out. I saw this child's communication with his girlfriend. And they have many girlfriends. But his parents never forbade him going. Parents are important to seek her money.

Lives of street children today are not so good. Because many people are doing sexual minor free. Their parents do not care about his son. I'm very sorry for them, because they lack affection from their parent. That is why I advised them that they want to continue their education as a student. The education is all the most important. Although not too much. Financial education should be an important priority. And thank God they listened to me. And they will continue their studies through to completion. Because of their time is not to play but to learn in school.

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